Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

Misspelling Words

Nama                    :   Benny R. Sitorus
NPM                      :   21212427
Kelas                     :   3EB02
Tugas                    :   Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Misspelling Words

1.       “Under Water”. The correct word is “Underwear”

2.       “Cildren”, “aduld”. The correct words are “Children” and “Adult”

3.       “Es Crime”. The correct words are “Ice Cream”

4.       “SEAl”. The correct word is “SALE”

5.       “CHOCOALTE”. The correct word is “CHOCOLATE”

6.       “PIV”. The correct word is “VIP”

7.       “POTO KOPI". The correct word is “PHOTO COPY"

8.       “WIFE”. The correct word is “WIFI”